Date Time Information in Java Scripts
Date and Time in JavaScript The date object is very useful for obtaining the date and time on the client. It supports various methods, which return a specific value. To start working with dates and time, we first initialize a variable and assign it a value with the new operator and the Date() constructor. The main function of the new operator with Date() constructor is to create a new date object that is stored in the variable. Here is the code: var d = new Date(); Thus, variable d contains a new date object. We can now call the various methods of this date object. var t_date = d. getDate() ; // Returns the day of the month var t_mon = d. getMonth() ; // Returns the month as a digit var t_year = d. getFullYear() ; // Returns 4 digit year var t_hour = d. getHours() ; // Returns hours var t_min = d. getMinutes() ; // Returns minutes var t_sec = d. getSeconds() ; // Returns seocnds var t_mil = d. getMilliseconds ; // Returns Milliseconds Now we ...