Perl With Asterisk PBX
->Perl is most supporive language for Asterisk P.B.X ->There are many function which are used in Asterisk P.B.X only some of the function are written in following lines: ::::::THIS PAGE CONTAIN FOLLOWING TOPICS::::: GET OPTION GET DATA STREAM FILE RECORD FILE -->First starting Perl Scripting with LINUX O.S in Asterisk P.B.X.We just write following firt lines and make an object for A.G.I #!/usr/bin/perl $|=1; use Asterisk::AGI; $AGI=new Asterisk::AGI; #use DBI; ###GET OPTION ####### $PromptPath="/home/sharjeel/ServiceName/prompts/english/"; #Complete path of prompts $language=$AGI->get_option("/home/sharjeel/horlics/prompts/english/language","1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,*,#",5000); Now value contain in $language variable is in ascii formate ######GET DATA############ $p_no=$AGI->get_data("$p_path",5000,11); Here $p_no variable contain 11 digit value print (STDERR "\nP_NO IS-->$p_no&& A_IS--...