
Showing posts from July, 2018

Project Setup and Hosting Mode in DotNet Core

ASP.NET Core is the framework that can be used for web development with .NET. If you have any experience with MVC or Web API over the last few years. Let's discuss how to create a new project in Visual Studio 2017. To start with Dot net core project just add a new project from VS2017 and select empty project option. Select application type as per your requirement here I am selecting empty application. Your project is created and available in solution explorer and physical location as well. For me it’s available in F drive of my system. Here you will see few files which comes by default while creating a dotnet core application. These files are code files having default name Program and Startup. Here one more default file (launchsettings.json) is created which have IIS settings and profile information of your application. Dotnet core application have two type of hosting one is In-Process and second ...

Set Auto Publish on Item

Sitecore provide feature to Auto publish the content with few configuration changes. With this content will publish automatically based on time line set in Sitecore.Tasks.PublishAgent of Sitecore.config file. To set auto publishing on content it’s require to make changes in Publishing Agent which looks like. <agent type="Sitecore.Tasks.PublishAgent" method="Run" interval="00:00:00">       <param desc="source database">master</param>       <param desc="target database">web</param>       <param desc="mode (full or smart or incremental)">incremental</param>       <param desc="languages">en, da</param>     </agent> I am trying to giving a simple example with home page which comes content root by default after fresh installation of sitecore. Initially a default content is coming in Title field ...