C with MySql Data Base on Linux
//////////////CONNECT C CODE WITH MYSQL/////////////////
->First we have to include MYSQL.h header file.Here we are using 4 pointers name as server, user, passward ,database and following are the compile and run command on LINUX O.S
//////////With gcc compiler On LINUX O.S////////////
->gcc -o filename $(mysql_config --cflags) filename.c $(mysql_config --libs)
#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "/usr/include/mysql/mysql.h" main() { MYSQL *conn; MYSQL_RES *res = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row; char *server="localhost"; /*server name or ip on which you want to connect c code with mysql database*/ char *user = "root"; /*user of that system*/ char *password ="XYZ"; /*password of user of that system*/ char *database = "sharjeel"; /*database name of that system on which you are connecting c code with mysql*/ char query[100]="Select * from student_05"; conn = mysql_init(NULL);
if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, server,user, password, database, 0, NULL, 0)){
printf("Problem in Connecting To Database.......%s\n",database); if(conn) mysql_close(conn); printf("Connection closed"); }else{ printf("\nDatabase Connected. Now Looking For Emp Table\n"); if(!mysql_query(conn,query)){ printf("\nTable Exist in Database\n"); if(conn) mysql_close(conn); }else{ printf("\nTable Doesn't Exist\n"); strcpy(query,"create table emp(name varchar(20))"); if(!mysql_query(conn,query)){ printf("\nTable Created\n"); if(conn) mysql_close(conn); }else{ printf("\nError in Executing Query\n"); if(conn) mysql_close(conn); } } }
mysql_close(conn); }
//////////With gcc compiler On Windows O.S////////////
gcc "Path with FileName.c" -o "Path with File Name.exe" -L"Path of MySql connector with linking library" -I"Path of MySql connector with include library " -llibmysql
For Example:
->gcc c:\\mysql_connectivity\\experiment.c -o c:\\mysql_connectivity\\experiment.exe -L "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector C 6.0.2\lib\opt" -I "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector C 6.0.2\include" -llibmysql
gcc "Path with FileName.c"
For Example:
->gcc c:\\mysql_connectivity\\experiment.c -o c:\\mysql_connectivity\\experiment.exe -L
/////////Cmpile simple c code on gcc compiler////////
Compile c program on gcc compiler
-> gcc -o filename filename.c
Here we have to write file name with path.
Run program on gcc compiler -> ./filename |
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