Object Oriented Java Script Constructor Property Method
Object Oriented
Programming (OOP) refers to using self-contained pieces of code to develop
applications. We call these self-contained pieces of code objects, better known
as Classes in most OOP programming languages and Functions in JavaScript. We
use objects as building blocks for our applications. Building applications with
objects allows us to adopt some valuable techniques, namely, Inheritance
(objects can inherit features from other objects), Polymorphism (objects can
share the same interface—how they are accessed and used—while their underlying
implementation of the interface may differ), and Encapsulation (each object is
responsible for specific tasks).
- Property
- Method
- Constructor
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
In this case you don't need to (and cannot) create an
instance of the class, it already exists. So you simply start using this
apple.color = "reddish";
An object
constructor is merely a regular JavaScript function .
difference between the two is that a constructor function is called via the new
Lets use a
real world item "car" as an example. A property of a car may be its
color or name. A method may be to “speed".
The important
thing to realize, however is that every car will have a different name.
To create an
object type that accommodates this need for flexibility, we'll use an object
constructor is called at the moment of instantiation (the moment when the
object instance is created).
constructor is a method of the class.
In JavaScript
the function serves as the constructor of the object, therefore there is no
need to explicitly define a constructor method.
Every action
declared in the class gets executed at the time of instantiation.
Example :
var Person =
function () {
console.log('instance created');
var person1 =
new Person();
var person2 =
new Person();
car(name) {
this.name = name;
this.speed = function() {
alert( this.name + " Wow
speed!" )
car1 = new
Here the
function "car()" is an object constructor, and its properties and
methods are declared inside it by prefixing them with the keyword
"this." Objects defined using an object constructor are then
instantiated using the new keyword. Constructors create the blueprints for
objects, not the object itself.
Adding methods to our object using prototype
Prototype is
a type of inheritance in JavaScript. We use it when we would like an object to
inherit a method after it has been defined. Think of prototyping mentally as
"attaching" a method to an object after it's been defined, in which
all object instances then instantly share.
car.prototype.changeName = function(name) {
this.name = name;
firstCar =
new car(“Alto")
A constructor
is any function which is used as a constructor. The language doesn’t make a
distinction. A function can be written to be used as a constructor or to be
called as a normal function, or to be used either way.
A constructor
is used with the new keyword:
var Vehicle =
function Vehicle() {
// ...
var vehicle =
new Vehicle();
Objects and properties
A JavaScript
object has properties associated with it. A property of an object can be
explained as a variable that is attached to the object. Object properties are
basically the same as ordinary JavaScript variables, except for the attachment
to objects. The properties of an object define the characteristics of the
object. You access the properties of an object with a simple dot-notation
u Like all JavaScript variables, both
the object name (which could be a normal variable) and property name are case
sensitive. You can define a property by assigning it a value. For example,
let's create
an object named myCar and give it properties named make, model, and year as
var myCar =
new Object();
myCar.make =
myCar.model =
“Alto 800";
myCar.year =
u Unassigned properties of an object
are undefined.
myCar.noProperty; // undefined
Ø JavaScript
uses a different approach than C# or C++ to create an object-oriented language.
Ø It
is a prototype-based language.
Ø The
concept of prototyping implies that behavior can be reused by cloning existing
objects that serve as prototypes. Every object in JavaScript decends from a
prototype which defines a set of functions and members that the object can use.
Ø There
is no class. Just objects. Every object can then be used as a prototype for
another object.
Branch = function() {
this.name = "IT";
//return model;
// This is exactly where the magic happens! By cloning
the prototype, we transfer all members and functions to the new class.
inheritsFrom = function (child, parent) {
child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
var Student = function() {
this.name =
this.lname = "Bilali";
//return model;
inheritsFrom(Student, Branch);
// We can even override the print function for ClassB:
function we can call the base function on the current object (this).
Student.prototype.display = function() {
var Faculty = function () {
this.name =
this.lname = "Biz";
inheritsFrom(Faculty, Student);
Faculty.prototype.display = function () {
document.write("Object Oriented Javascript!");
var facl = new Faculty();
Encapsulation refers to enclosing all the
functionalities of an object within that object so that the object’s internal
workings (its methods and properties) are hidden from the rest of the
One of the
main principles with OOP is encapsulation: put all the inner workings of an
object inside that object. To implement encapsulation in JavaScript, we have to
define the core methods and properties on that object.
To do this,
we will use the best pattern for encapsulation in JavaScript: the Combination
Constructor/Prototype Pattern.
of Combination Constructor/Prototype Pattern
User (theName, theEmail) {
this.name = theName;
this.email = theEmail;
this.quizScores = [];
this.currentScore = 0;
of Combination Constructor/Prototype Pattern
The Above
lines initialize the instance properties. These properties will be defined on
each User instance that is created.
So the values
will be different for each user.
The use of
the this keyword inside the function specifies that these properties will be
unique to every instance of the User object:
= {
constructor: User,
saveScore:function (theScoreToAdd) {
showNameAndScores:function () {
var scores = this.quizScores.length
> 0 ? this.quizScores.join(",") : "No Scores Yet";
return this.name + " Scores:
" + scores;
changeEmail:function (newEmail) {
this.email = newEmail;
return "New Email Saved: " +
In the code
above, we are overwriting the prototype property with an object literal, and we
define all of our methods (that will be inherited by all the User instances) in
this object.
Instance of the User Function
// A User
firstUser = new User(“Sharjeel",
firstUser.changeEmail(“Sharjeel.bilali @edynamic.net");
firstUser.showNameAndScores(); //Sharjeel Scores: 15,10
// Another User
secondUser = new User(“Affan", “Affan@example.com");
secondUser.showNameAndScores(); //Affan Scores: 18
and Private Method
Actually in
JavaScript functions can be also objects.
Any variable
defined with the “var” keyword becomes private, because it’s only visible
inside the function body,
while by
using the “this” keyword we can define global variables visible outside the
function body.
var f = function()
var a = 10;
this.b= 5;
var myfunc =
new f();
// is undefined because a is private
// equals to 5 because b is public
The ability
to call the same method on different objects and have each of them respond in
their own way is called polymorphism.
is the main pillar of Object Oriented Programming, it refers to the ability of
an object to provide different behaviors in different state of objects.
Parent class
Human define a function of introduction() in which it contains simple
introduction but Student object override it by adding more detailed information
for introduction. So now Human() object has its own implementation of
introduction and Student() has its own. It will be invoked according to the
state of object.
//Define human class
function Human(fullName) {
= fullName;
// Add a couple of methods to Human.prototype
Human.prototype.speak = function(){
speak English!");
Human.prototype.introduction = function(){
alert("Hi, I am " + this.fullName);
//Define Student class
function Student(fullName, school, courses) {
Human.call(this, fullName);
// Initialize
our Student properties
this.school =
= courses;
Student.prototype = Object.create(Human.prototype); //
See note below
// Set the "constructor" property to refer
to Student
Student.prototype.constructor = Student;
// override the "introduction" method
Student.prototype.introduction= function(){
alert("Hi, I am " + this.fullName + ". I am a student of
" + this.school + ", I study "+ this.courses +".");
// Add a "exams" method
Student.prototype.takeExams = function(){
alert("This is my exams time!");
var student = new Student("Ahmed","NED
University", "Computer Science");
student.introduction(); // "Hi, I am Ahmed. I am a student of
NED University, I study Computer Science."
// "I speak English!"
student.takeExams(); // "This is my exams
// Check that instanceof works correctly
alert(student instanceof Human); // true
alert(student instanceof Student); // true
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