
Showing posts from November, 2018

Octopus Set Up and Configuration on Windows 10

Octopus Deploy is an automated deployment and release management server. It is designed to simplify deployment of ASP.NET applications, Windows Services and databases. First you need to download octopus on your local system or cloud from below URL. Download for 64 or 32 bit as per your available system. After downloading the trail version you just create the trial key with filling few basic information on same browser. Now you will get trial key on your email and in next window as well. To start installation on your local system just click on msi file downloaded from octopus site. After installing the octopus you just start octopus and enter required information in first screen to validate the license key. After this step give path for deployment packages and other settings. In next screen select service account so here ...

Dot Net Core Application Packages for Deployment with Octopus using Octo

Octo.exe is a command line tool that interacts with the Octopus Deploy REST API and includes a pack command to create packages either as Zip or NuGet packages for deployment with Octopus. Installation We recommend installing Octo as a global tool using .NET Core which makes Octo available as a command via the .NET CLI. If you have the .NET Core 2.1.300 SDK available you can install Octo onto a machine or build agent as a global tool with the following command: dotnet tool install Octopus.DotNet.Cli –global Publish your application There are two ways to publish your dot net core application. One you can do from command line and other from Dote net solution it self. Command Line Dot net publish source/sharjeelsWorkCore.Web --output published-app --configuration Release dotnet publish F:\RSI\SharjeelsWork\RD\Core\sharjeelsWorkCore\sharjeelsWorkCore\sharjeelsWorkCore.csproj --output published-app --configuration Release Dote Net Solution...

Long Path Issue During Serialization with Unicorn

While serializing Sitecore items with Unicorn you might get an error Long path names when using a Web-root-relative path. This issue comes due to serialized content path relatively bigger than the defined limit in configurations. The serialization Provider looks like this <serializationProvider type="Unicorn.Serialization.Sitecore.Fiat.FiatSitecoreSerializationProvider, Unicorn" rootPath="~/../../Unicorn" singleInstance="true" /> Item path can look like this /sitecore/templates/Feature/SharjeelsWork/Navigation/Base navigation items folder/New template with a long name/New long section name/New field name with a very long name In above written scenario you will get the issue while serializing content with Unicorn. To fix this issue you can follow few approaches written below. Option 1: You may be able to work around the issue by changing the SerializationFolder setting in Sitecore.config: Option 2: In ...