Dot Net Core Application Packages for Deployment with Octopus using Octo

Octo.exe is a command line tool that interacts with the Octopus Deploy REST API and includes a pack command to create packages either as Zip or NuGet packages for deployment with Octopus.

We recommend installing Octo as a global tool using .NET Core which makes Octo available as a command via the .NET CLI.
If you have the .NET Core 2.1.300 SDK available you can install Octo onto a machine or build agent as a global tool with the following command:
dotnet tool install Octopus.DotNet.Cli –global

Publish your application
There are two ways to publish your dot net core application. One you can do from command line and other from Dote net solution it self.
Command Line
Dot net publish source/sharjeelsWorkCore.Web --output published-app --configuration Release
dotnet publish F:\RSI\SharjeelsWork\RD\Core\sharjeelsWorkCore\sharjeelsWorkCore\sharjeelsWorkCore.csproj --output published-app --configuration Release

Dote Net Solution

Right click on your Dot net core project and select publish.

Once publishing is completed then you can check published item from given location. In my case location was

At a minimum Octo pack requires an ID to be provided. Also if you want to provide your own version, you can pass the --version parameter in the call to Octo.
You can also change the output directory and folder which will be packed with the --outFolder and --basePath parameters respectively. I am combining all three point in single command

dotnet octo pack --id="SharjeelsWork-OctoWeb" --version="1.0.6" --format=zip --basePath=" F:\RSI\SharjeelsWork\RD\Core\sharjeelsWorkCore\sharjeelsWorkCore\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.1\publish" --outFolder=" F:\RSI\SharjeelsWork\Octopus\Packages\DotNetCore"

I got below error during package creation from command prompt.

This issue was related to incorrect source path. I remove extra space from path then again execute the same command. After execution of command package is created on defined location.

Upgrade Octo version
If you would like to update to a specific version or downgrade to an older version you can do so by first uninstalling the tool and installing it again.

dotnet tool uninstall Octopus.DotNet.Cli --global
dotnet tool install Octopus.DotNet.Cli --global --version <version>

when ever you are creating dot net core packages through command line, take care of location path and version. In next article I will try to describe more on Octopus deployment.

Happy Learning!!!


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