Loops and Cases in Python

In this article I am sharing information regarding basic loops with some small cases. Information includes if else cases, for loop with range option, while with break and continue key words.

def main() : 
#iF and else cases with and or conditions


if EmployeeAge > StudentAge : 
print("Employee is Older")
else :
print("Student is Older")

if EmployeeAge > StudentAge and StudentAge > WorkerAge :
print("Employee is older")
elif StudentAge > EmployeeAge and EmployeeAge > WorkerAge :
print("Student is Older")
elif WorkerAge > EmployeeAge and EmployeeAge > StudentAge :
print("Worker is Older")
elif StudentAge == EmployeeAge : 
print("Student and Employee have same age")
elif EmployeeAge > StudentAge or EmployeeAge > WorkerAge :
print("Employee is older then Student or Worker")
else : 
print("Sharjeel is older")

#While loop with continue and break
StudentAge = 1
EmployeeAge = 2

while StudentAge < 6 or StudentAge < 8:
  print("Student Age Is",  StudentAge)
  StudentAge += 1

while EmployeeAge <= 19 : 
print("Employee Age is", EmployeeAge)
EmployeeAge +=2

#loop with break
while EmployeeAge <= 19 : 
print("Employee Age is", EmployeeAge)
if EmployeeAge == 8 :
EmployeeAge +=2

#loop with continue
while EmployeeAge <= 19 : 
EmployeeAge +=2
if EmployeeAge == 8 :
print("Employee Age is", EmployeeAge)

#foor loop
for x in "Ankur Jasoria" :

friendList = ["Ankur Jasoria", "Gopesh", "Nandu", "Kaku", "Affan"]
for x in friendList:
  if x == "Nandu":

#for loop with range
for x in range(4):
  print("Task Done!")
#nested for loop
schoolFriends = ["nahsit", "fahad", "ikhlas"]
collegeFriends = ["gopesh", "saffan", "raj"]

for x in schoolFriends:
  for y in collegeFriends:
print(x, y)


Below is the output of above program written for some basic loops and cases. This is not a complete screen so run above program and get the output.


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