JSS Integration with Angular and Sitecore First Approach in Connected Mode Architecture
To start work on Sitecore first approach you
need to focus on json rendering rather than controller and view rendering.
I explained code first approach in my recent article so first setup code first approach then go for sitecore first approach.
Code-First Artifacts
These instructions apply to all supported JS
Extensively customized apps using different
techniques than the standard sample apps may require additional steps depending
on their customizations.
Delete /data to remove disconnected route
data, if it exists
Delete /sitecore/definitions to remove the manifest
Delete /sitecore/pipelines (if it exists) to
remove manifest pipeline patches
Delete /scripts/disconnected-mode-proxy.js to
remove an unused script
In the package.json:
Remove the start script, and (optional) rename
start:connected to start to remove the option to start disconnected
Remove the bootstrap:disconnected script
You can add new component in JSS app using below
command. This will create a new component in your JSS app having all htmls,
type scripts etc. files in your angular application.
jss deploy component sharjeelswork --
After adding the component scaffold it with
below command. This command will create component related files in angular
jss scaffold sharjeelswork
Configurations and component related changes
done in your JSS app should be deployed with below command.
jss deploy files
Now you can login in to sitecore instance and
check your component is placed at location
Also you can check rendering is added in
placeholder settings located at
From Sitecore instance open app route item with
the Experience Editor. You should be able to add your new component to its
allowed placeholder from the UI.
In this way component is added to jssApp
sitecore instance which have complete execution from Angular app. This approach
known as sitecore first approach for connected mode architecture.
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