Dot Net Reflector to decompile Sitecore.Kernal assembly

.NET Reflector is a class browser, decompile and static analyzer for software created with .NET Framework, or a utilities for developers.

It was the first CLI assembly browser. [Citation needed] It can be used to inspect, navigate, search, analyze, and browse the contents of a CLI

Component such as an assembly and translates the binary information to a human-readable form

Download reflector from below URL

Install the reflector once download is completed.

After successful installation of Reflector you just open required DLL or assembly and check the code which is required for you. In my requirement I need to work with Sitecore kernel dll so I open this assembly in reflector.

Here you can get any code which is related to assembly and also you can override methods which are defined as virtual in assembly.

Inside sitecore.kernal I checked Sitecore.Shell.Applications.ContentEditor for Multilist extension where I made changes in code to show multi list item with different name.

You can override methods having virtual declaration in assembly  as I did few changes in do render method defined in Sitecore MultiListExt class.

Also I did changes in my code to override the Do render method to change display name of items available in multi list selection.

Happy Learning!!!


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