Team City Setup and Configuration in AWS EC2

TeamCity is a Java-based build management and continuous integration server from JetBrains. TeamCity is commercial software and licensed under a proprietary license. A Freemium license for up to 100 build configurations and 3 free Build Agent licenses is available.
We can configure TeamCity with any code repository like Git, Bit Bucket etc.
This tool continuously integrates code and builds the selected branch including unit test cases.  In this article I will explain Teamcity setup in AWS EC2 instance connected with Bit Bucket code.

Step 1: first create a AWS EC2 instance selecting with Windows 2016 Base with minimum required configuration. Once instance is ready then you need to download Teamcity from

Step 2: After downloading team city you should follow the instruction to install Teamcity setup on your AWS EC2 instance.

Select service account for this Teamcity server as system account. In this option Teamcity service will run under your system account. If required, you can set this integration for specific user as well.

After completing all the required step your Teamcity server instance will run on default port 80 but here I changed it to 90 so this instance will run on your local host on port 9090.
Teamcity will be available on http://localhost:90/profile.html
Here you can set your profile like name, credentials, email etc.

Step 3: Create a new project and connect it with your code repository like Git, Bit Bucket etc. Also it requires JAVA_HOME environment variable and Git installation on your EC2 machine.
Here I am connecting my bit bucket account with my Teamcity build server.

Step 4: After connecting Teamcity with Bit Bucket you just use Team city agent and those could be MS build, command line scripts etc. so choose build agent according to your requirement. Here I connected my bit bucket account and start the build. My build agent is working fine for my bit bucket repository.

Step 5: You can change VCS repository settings regarding your code repository and branch selection. To make these changes you just got to Version Control Settings and edit the VCS.

Once you click on edit button, next screen will be displayed with many repository branch and code configuration options. Here you can make changes as per your requirement.

In this way you can build your code with Team City agent. In next lines I am explaining few more configuration points to work on TeamCity agent.

Agent Compatibility :  To check Teamcity agent compatibility you just select your agent from agent tab.

If this build agent is not compatible with your solution then you can change your build agent from few setting options. To make these changes you just go to compatibility version of MS Build and select required version.

Build Success Information
You can check build logs, artifacts etc from your running build section.

In this way you will get the complete build done by Teamcity including build information like errors, logs, artifacts etc. In next article I will share more detail on branch and agent management.

Happy Learning!!!


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