Install and configure Apache Maven for AEM on Windows 10

Step 1: to install Maven on windows 10 first get Maven source from below URL

Here click on Binary zip archive link available below on same page.

Time to set the environment variable once Maven source package is downloaded. Unzip this downloaded package and set the maven package in environment variable.

Step 2 : Set the environment variable from system Property. I am giving MAVEN_HOME as environment variable name which is having Maven source path.

Also set the path of Maven bin folder under Path section on environment variable.

Now save all changes and check Maven from command prompt with help of command mvn -version
If your Maven is configured well then it will be shown in running state from above command.

Once your Maven is ready and running on your system then a folder .m2 will be created under your system user account. In my case it was created on my system.

Here repository folder will be created with some default folder and files. Now just put the setting.xml file in the same .m2 folder and start work on further AEM configuration.

Happy Learning!!!


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