j-Meter Configuration and run a basic Load Test script

I am trying to configure j-Meter to test the performance of application. To configure j-Meter first requirement is java that should be installed on your system. To install and configure java you can get help from this Article.

After successfully installation and configuration of java please download j-Meter zip file from

Download the zip file for windows and place somewhere in your system and extract the zip file.

Now run the j-Meter from location D:\apache-jmeter-5.2.1\bin as display in below screen

Once you click on jmeter.bat file the jmeter will run on JVM and below window will open.

Time to write your load test script which will do the load testing for your application. You need to follow certain standards while writing logic for load test. I am sharing sample script of load testing for my blog.

Now start load testing by jmeter with below command. Also give report file name and path for the load test report.

         .\jmeter -n -t LoadTestBlog.jmx -l D:\jMeter-Result\TestResult.csv

Happy Learning!!!

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