Get IP Address in C

/////////IP ADDRESS OF MY SYSTEM/////////////
//This programme will show you IP Address,Name,Host of your System
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <WinSock.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#pragma comment (lib, "wsock32.lib") 

int main() 
 WORD wVersionRequested; 
 WSADATA wsaData; 
 char caHostname[255+1]; 
 PHOSTENT hostData; 
 char *pIP; 
 int i=0; 

 if(WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData)!=0) 
  printf("Error......code is not compartible with platform\n"); 
 if(gethostname(caHostname, sizeof caHostname)!=0) 
  printf("Error......Hostname not found\n"); 
 printf("HOSTNAME : %s\n",caHostname); 
  printf("Error......code is not compartible with platform\n"); 
  pIP = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)hostData->h_addr_list[i]); 

  printf("IP ADDRESS %d: %s\n", ++i, pIP); 

 return 0; 


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