Asterisk PBX With Linux

To obtain the latest stable source code via wget, enter the following commands on
the terminal
# cd /usr/src/
# wget -–passive-ftp*.tar.gz
# wget -–passive-ftp*.tar.gz
# wget -–passive-ftp*.tar.gz
# wget -–passive-ftp*.tar.gz

Extracting the Source Code
# cd /usr/src/
# tar zxvf zaptel-*.tar.gz
# tar zxvf libpri-*.tar.gz
# tar zxvf asterisk-*.tar.gz
# tar zxvf asterisk-sounds*.tar.gz

Obtaining Asterisk Source Code from CVS

• Export the CVSROOT path:
# cd /usr/src/
# export
• Download HEAD from CVS:
# cvs checkout zaptel libpri asterisk
• Download STABLE 1.0 from CVS:
# cvs checkout –r v1-0 zaptel libpri asterisk
• Download STABLE 1.2 from CVS:
# cvs checkout –r v1-2 zaptel libpri asterisk
• Download optional modules from CVS:
# cvs checkout asterisk-sounds asterisk-addons

Install Asterisk on Linux

  • First Install Libpri
        make clean
        make install

  • Install Zaptel

        make clean
        make menuselect
        make install

  • Install Asterisk

        make clean
        make menuselect
        make install
        make samples

  • Install Asterisk Addons

        make clean
        make menuselect
        make install

        make samples


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