Error : Sorry, there was an error : unauthorized_client in Sitecore 9.1 login

After adding a new binding from IIS on my sitecore 9.1 instance I was getting unauthorized client error while login with newly added binding URL.

To fix this issue I added AllowedCorsOriginsGroup in xml file placed at
File Name : Sitecore.IdentityServer.Host.xml
Location : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\9Dot1.identityserver\Config\production

After adding field tag AllowedCorsOriginsGroup in  Sitecore.IdentityServer.Host.xml file I was able to login properly with newly added URL.

Also you can fix this issue by placing a pipe operator beside of old AllowedCorsOriginsGroup as below.

<AllowedCorsOriginsGroup1> |</AllowedCorsOriginsGroup1

Happy Learning!!!


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