
Showing posts from February, 2020

Install and configure Eclipse for AEM on Windows 10

Step 1 : First you get the source package from URL Download Eclipse IDE packages for windows or required OS compatible package. Step 2 : After downloading the zip file please unzip this package at desired location. In my case I unpack it . Step 3 :  Now click on executable file available in Eclipse unzipped package. In few seconds you will get a popup having Eclipse start screen on your system. Step 4 : Select or create your work space which is having code to connect JAVA source with AEM. In my case I created it on my system and creating a test AEM app. Step : 5 After selecting your work space default or welcome page of Eclipse will open having all available options. Step 6 :  In next step you need to integrate AEM development tool kit in your Eclipse. To do that just go to Help and select Eclipse Marketplace then type AEM Developer tools for Eclipse. On screen you will get the r...

Install and configure Apache Maven for AEM on Windows 10

Step 1: to install Maven on windows 10 first get Maven source from below URL Here click on Binary zip archive link available below on same page. Time to set the environment variable once Maven source package is downloaded. Unzip this downloaded package and set the maven package in environment variable. Step 2 : Set the environment variable from system Property. I am giving MAVEN_HOME as environment variable name which is having Maven source path. Also set the path of Maven bin folder under Path section on environment variable. Now save all changes and check Maven from command prompt with help of command mvn -version If your Maven is configured well then it will be shown in running state from above command. Once your Maven is ready and running on your system then a folder .m2 will be created under your system user account. In my case it ...

j-Meter Configuration and run a basic Load Test script

I am trying to configure j-Meter to test the performance of application. To configure j-Meter first requirement is java that should be installed on your system. To install and configure java you can get help from this Article . After successfully installation and configuration of java please download j-Meter zip file from Download the zip file for windows and place somewhere in your system and extract the zip file. Now run the j-Meter from location D:\apache-jmeter-5.2.1\bin as display in below screen Once you click on jmeter.bat file the jmeter will run on JVM and below window will open. Time to write your load test script which will do the load testing for your application. You need to follow certain standards while writing logic for load test. I am sharing sample script of load testing for my blog. Now start load testing by jmeter with below command. Also give report file name and path for...

Install and configure Java on Windows 10

Step 1: to install java on windows 10 first get java exe from following site. Here you need to logn with your credentials and download the required version. I am downloading java 11 + because it's also compatible with Sonarqube. Once you get the exe then start to execute it and install on your system with following instruction on screen. Step 2 : Set the environment variable from system Property Step 3 : Click on Environment variable and set set the java bin path in environment variable as below After setting this environment variable you can check it from command prompt just typing command javac also you can check version of java using command java -version In my next article I will use this java to run j-Meter script for load test. Happy Learning!!!